Dubai: The Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry said on Monday it has registered substantial membership growth, as a total of 8,830 new companies joined the organisation.
The increase has seen its membership base growing to more than 177,000.
These numbers are according to a recent report on the Chamber’s half-year activities.
The report said the new figures have strengthened the organisation’s position as one of the largest chambers of commerce in the Middle East and North Africa (Mena) region.
“Dubai’s lucrative economic sectors, which are led by trade, logistics, tourism and finance, are behind the foreign companies’ desire to set up base in Dubai and expand their global business activities through the Emirate,” said Hamad Bu Amim, president and CEO of Dubai Chamber.
According to Bu Amim, the Chamber members’ half-yearly exports and re-exports reached Dh151 billion compared to Dh149 billion during the same period in 2014.
Meanwhile, the monthly total of March 2015 was the highest with Dh28.1 billion with January registering the lowest with a value of Dh22.6 billion.
The number of new members is expected to reach 15,000 by the end of the year, he added.
In addition, Dubai Chamber announced that it has opened its fourth international representative office in the city of Accra in Ghana and is preparing to open another two in Mozambique and Brazil soon, with the aim to open new market opportunities for its members.
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