Every business plan, campaign, or project comes down to Tactics, Tools, and Strategies (hence the subtitle of my book). To conceive, develop, and implement a sound social media marketing strategic plan that will be successful needs to have those three critical components; Tactics, Tools & Strategies.
The order of execution may vary depending upon the person developing the plan. Some people do better with looking at lots of tools and asking themselves “How can I use these tools to accomplish my goals and which ones do I use?” While others may look at tactics that have been tried and proven successful and determine which tactics best apply to them and their goals. And, many start with developing a sound strategy, then determine which tactics and tools best suits their needs to accomplish their goals.
So let’s begin by looking at the three levels of strategy necessary for developing a strong successful social media marketing plan.
Strategy – High Level
The first step in developing a successful social media marketing plan is to first develop a 50,000 foot level or high level strategic plan that will achieve the goals you’ve set for your campaign.
To begin, you may need to do some homework, look around the web, get some thoughts, read a book or two (like The Social Media Bible), and read some blogs. This will provide some exciting ideas about where you would like to start the process of developing your plan.
When you begin to develop your high level strategy you will find that multiple strategies will immediately emerge. You may identify two, three, four, of even a dozen different, sound strategies that will achieve your goals. Continue to develop all of the possible strategies you can until you have either exhausted all of your ideas or developed a list of strong candidates to choose from.
The next step is to explore each possible strategy you developed and weigh each one for their ROI (Return On Investment). You’ll need to estimate the amount time needed to develop and execute, the associated costs and expenses, and determine the return on each, based on your particular conversion strategies. Once you have determined the cost/value for each, you will know where the best ROI or bang-for-the-buck is for each possible high level strategy.
Now that each strategy has been identified and the ROI for each has been determined, the next step is to prioritize your list. In most cases you simply don’t have either the budget or the human resources to fully develop and execute every strategy scenario you came up with. You will have to choose, one or possibly two strategies to begin with.
Before we get any further into the theory, let’s apply these concepts to actually developing a social media marketing strategy. The idea is to increase revenues by augmenting your existing marketing strategy by adding social media as a significant component to your plan.
Step One – High Level Strategy
To begin, we first we need to develop several high-level strategies. Let’s say that after some research, discussion, and introspection, we determine our top three, high level social media strategies.
- Increase Awareness (develop brand)
- Build Community (engage prospects), and
- Generate Publicity (free-ink)
Step Two – Mid Level Strategy
The second step in our strategic plan is to develop a mid level strategy. This is accomplished in the same way as we developed the high level strategy.
- Build Your Twitter Following
- Drive Traffic To Your Blog
- Increase Your Facebook Fans
- Double Your Email List
- Generate Link Love, Google Juice and Other SEO Enhancements
Step Three – Low-Level Strategy
The third and last step in developing a sound social media strategy is to now choose one of the mid level strategies.
So, at this point we have determined that:
- To ultimately increase revenues, we need to augment our existing marketing plan by utilizing social media marketing.
Be aware that you could have chosen any of the other high level strategies and continued to follow this outline to develop a social media marketing plan developed around that strategy. Given enough resources, you are wise to go back and develop an integrated plan that includes all of the high level strategies you have identified above.
While these might also look like “goals”, they are strategies too. The primary and ultimate goal in any successful business strategy is to increase revenues. Each of the three strategies above are dependent the one another. They are all directly connected to each other and any one; will drive, increase, and improve the remaining two.
Ο τομέας εφαρμογής μας παρέχει μια σειρά λύσεων, βασισμένων στον προϋπολογισμό σας, για να εξασφαλίσετε βιώσιμη αλλαγή και συνεχόμενη βελτίωση στην επιχείρησή σας.