Sales Research
Posted in Marketingservices

Sales Research is a different method from market research as it works in wholesale and B2B companies.

Until today Manager’s Office applies sales research only in worldwide market as our great experience in sales, through many successful projects, make us implement tactics to protect the company before entering or producing the product to market.

With Sales Research the client company can take specific data for the products placement in market, as well as the future of the product that will be promoted.

Methodology that follows usually is:

  • Comparative evaluation of product,
  • Dealing the product as basic one,
  • Building the ideal script of products presentation using a targeted potential customers,
  • “Forming” the right commercial politic (only for the research),
  • “Forming” a prospect presentation (in a limited number of people only for the research),
  • Defining the research’s costumers (base on demographics),
  • Having appointment with a trained professional salesman having as target to sale and how to manage costumer in order to find out if we can enter the product, how it will be fronted as it is a “new face” in market, the reactions relatively to the commercial politic, the positive/negative reaction of the customer and how can we change it as the product will be enforced with future marketing movements (if it’s right to enter the market),

Manager’s Office has managed through sales research, on behalf of its clients, to stop or enforce the introduction of products in market.Sales research is the basic method to guarantee the company and the guide for future movements.

Marketing Direction

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