Threats to Survival
Posted in CSR

Habitat degradation and disturbance of dens

  • Ongoing oil and gas exploration and development
  • Tourism
  • Scientific research
  • Recreational activity (all-terrain vehicles, aircraft boats).

Possible oil spills

  • Decomposes slowly and is highly toxic to Polar Bears when ingested through grooming or contamination of food source

Environmental pollution

  • As a carnivore at the top of the Arctic food chain, the Polar Bear is threatened by the concentration of toxic substances in its organs (heavy metals and chlorinated hydrocarbons have been showing up in increasing amounts in tissue samples.)

Climate change

  • Hunger and starvation
  • Can only hunt seal when there is a large extent of sea ice
    • Extension of ice-free period will increase nutritional stress on bears and affect reproductive success and survival rates. (Stirling et al 2008) (Molnar et al 2010)
    • Sea ice is breaking up at progressively earlier dates
    • Female body weights and numbers of independent yearlings have declined as sea ice melts
    • Intervals between reproduction have increased
    • A tipping point in polar bear survival is predicted between having to fast for 4 months and 6 months due to climate warming:
      • Summer fasting for 4 months = 3-6 % of adult males die of starvation
      • Fasting for up to 6 months = 28-48% of adult males die

Source: San Diego Zoo wildlife Alliance Library

Manager’s Office Team

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