Retail Implementation
Posted in Μόνο Εφαρμογή

Retail implementation is where we turn your insights led strategy, into action!

This plan includes the solutions and action points required to reach your desired goals, highlights priorities, quick wins and long term plans within an implementation timeline. This implementation timeline aligns your insights driven strategy to actionable solutions. If required, our implementation division can provide ‘hands-on’ services such as training, mystery shopping, visual merchandising etc.

Additionally, all of our implementation services are available separately, and may interest retail businesses, franchise networks or shopping centres seeking to:

  • streamline back of house category management processes
  • improve retail selling skills on the shop floor
  • mystery shop under performing retail stores
  • find quick wins to increase stock turn and profitability
  • monitor and improve visual merchandising
  • increase staff engagement or develop a coaching/mentoring program
  • develop a loyalty program
  • assess the net worth of your business
  • improve financial performance
  • explore in-store digital solutions



  • Training and development
  • Coaching and mentoring
  • Staff engagement programs
  • Recruit and select


  • Brand monitoring
  • Visual impact merchandising solutions
  • The internal brand (company culture)
  • Marketing / promotional planning
  • Merchandise planning and allocation
  • Inventory management system
  • Effective product performance strategies


  • Mystery shopping
  • Customer engagement
  • Loyalty programs


Ο τομέας εφαρμογής μας παρέχει μια σειρά λύσεων, βασισμένων στον προϋπολογισμό σας, για να εξασφαλίσετε βιώσιμη αλλαγή και συνεχόμενη βελτίωση στην επιχείρησή σας.


Manager’s Office

Marketing Dept

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