Polar Bears Could Starve to Extinction Due To Global Warming
Posted in CSR

“The fate of the polar bear should alarm everyone” because the Arctic is a good “barometer” of the planet’s health.

Since the 1980s, the ice pack in Hudson bay has decreased by nearly 50 per cent in summer, according to the US National Snow and Ice Data Centre.

If a bear is lucky enough to find a beluga whale carcass or if a seal dares to swim too close to shore, the large carnivore may be able to eat during the summer. But for most of those months they are fasting, or eating very small snacks of any fish they’re able to catch.

A report published two years ago in the journal Nature Climate Change suggested that this trend could lead to the near-extinction of these majestic animals: 1,200 of them were counted on the western shores of Hudson Bay in the 1980s. Today the best estimate is 800.

Source: By Hannah Brown  with AFP 

Manager’s Office Team

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