Polar Bear Physiology
Posted in CSR

Polar bears are the largest species of bear, with adult males weighing between 775 and 1,200 pounds and measuring up to 10 feet in length.

Adult females are smaller, weighing between 330 and 650 pounds and measuring up to 8 feet in length.

Their large size and weight are an adaptation to their harsh Arctic environment, allowing them to conserve heat and energy in cold temperatures.

Temperature Regulation

Polar bears have a thick layer of fat, up to 4.5 inches thick, which provides insulation and helps them regulate their body temperature.

They also have a dense fur coat, consisting of two layers of fur, which helps to trap heat close to their skin.

The outer layer of fur is made up of long, transparent guard hairs that reflect light, giving polar bears their white appearance. The inner layer of fur is made up of short, dense hairs that provide insulation.

Polar bears have also adapted to the cold by having a lower metabolic rate than other bears. This means that they require less food to maintain their body temperature in cold temperatures.

However, they can overheat easily in warmer temperatures, as their thick fur and layer of fat make it difficult for them to dissipate heat.

Source: www.americanoceans.org

Manager’s Office Team

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