Posted in HR advices
What is the most unusual thing a candidate did in a job interview? Fall asleep? Disappear? Show up a day late?
- When interviewer asked candidate why he wanted to work for the company, he replied, “Because I fancy the girl who works in reception.”
- Candidate turned on a CD player to play the song “I feel good” during the interview.
- Candidate performed magic tricks for the interviewer.
- Candidate showed up for the wrong job interview with the wrong company.
- Candidate gave the interviewer the impression that she had murdered her husband.
- Candidate kept checking his mobile which was in his hand under the desk during the interview.
- Candidate told interviewer, “I don’t have any particular ambitions for advancement, as long as I am paid a lot more in five years time.”
- Candidate told interviewer that he would not be able to travel for work when his football team was playing at home.
- Candidate told interviewer he would wrestle clients to the ground rather than trying to diffuse difficult situations.
- Candidate tried to pick up the interviewer.
Manager’s Office HR Team