Competition Analysis
Posted in Marketingservices

Each company by its entrance to a new market has to face problems which are caused by different factors.
One major reason that can lead a company to failure or to stagnation is competition with other companies of the same industry, but also the ignorance of competitor’s in order to be able to create a strategic tactic.
A competition’s analysis by Manager’s Office can support you through the following procedures:

  • Understanding the way with which your past and current customers evaluate competitors.
  • Identifying strengths and weaknesses of your competitors
  • Mechanisms for developing a competitive and effective strategy for your target market

To conduct competitive analysis we must base on followings:

  • Research
  • Sources of Information relatively to competition
  • Analysis of the information relatively to competitors and their tendencies
  • Definition of your own competitive position

And after analysis we must keep an eye to the strong and weak points of competition.
Manager’s Office is a specialized company in marketing and management and can give services in those fields for each kind of company since 1961.
Each co-operation with Manager’s Office has as target only the win-win, as the next step for us is your growth.

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