- Putting Personal Life Before Work
At times we all have to take time off work for unavoidable personal appointments that occur during working hours, and the occasional personal phone call or time spent on social media is overlooked by most employers. However, this can easily develop into a bad habit if liberties are taken with excessive requests for time off or long hours on the phone or online pursuing non related interests.
Poor time keeping is a common habit, and one which can be hard to break once the pattern of behavior has become ingrained. Being late for work, turning up to meetings once they’ve started or submitting work after the deadline are all examples of poor time keeping that won’t impress your employer.
- Rude and Inconsiderate Behavior
Familiarity can breed contempt, or at least a lack of respect and etiquette, when working with the same people day after day. Remembering that the people you spend time with are first and foremost your colleagues, and by keeping professional boundaries, you can maintain a level of respect for others that you would expect to receive yourself.
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HR & Training Dept