Posted in CSR
Daily Pattern
- Most active during first third of the day. Least active in last third.
- In summer, grooming/washing occurs after 30 minutes of feeding.
- Amount of time spent hunting changes depending on availability of seals.
- In general, less than 2% of hunting attempts are successful.
- An experienced adult catches a seal every 4-5 days.
Yearly pattern
- Late February-April: mother and cubs leave den.
- Usually remain at den site for 7-10 days so that cubs can adjust to cold (den may be 20 degrees warmer) and have a chance to exercise.
- March-April: adult males begin search for females.
- April-May: ovulation induced in female due to intense 1-2 week mating period.
- April-August: bears most active. Ringed Seals give birth in April.
- August-September: bears of both sexes dig sleeping pits and temporary dens and remain somewhat sedentary in Canadian Arctic (Messier et al 1994).
- Late October-early November: denning by females.
- Delayed implantation of embryo occurs in fall.
- November-January: females give birth, nurse young in den.
Source: San Diego Zoo wildlife Alliance Library
Manager’s Office Team